Around Kids:
Lucie Lecointe
Edition 96
We meet Doolittle Magazine editorial coordinator Lucie Lecointe, who shares her daily life and opens the doors to her home in Chartres, France. Here she lives with her partner and two children, Ange and Côme, who are only two years apart. In this interview, she tells us how her style has changed since their arrival and how she chooses their wardrobes.
Did your sons' arrival change your habits, your style?

Absolutely, before the arrival of my two boys, I already didn't have the same silhouette (haha), but above all, I changed my style a lot, and I was looking for myself. I understood with them the clothes in which I feel good, which I don't get tired of, but also the ones that I wouldn't buy anymore by impulse. All in all, my style as a mother is basic but always a little spiced up by the jewelry.

I never leave home without my Merci Maman medal, a Sentiments bijoux necklace representing a constellation, my first Mother's Day ring given by my partner, my grandmother's ring, etc. Finally, even if I love fashion, I like even more to recognize myself and to have "my uniform" on a daily basis. It's a change from the hours of doubt in front of the wardrobe before.
How do you shop for your sons and yourself?

For my boys, I love loose-fitting, ultra-comfortable clothes. No bloomers or small collars; I want them to be comfortable. Ange, my 7-month-old baby, is dressed in little leggings, trousers, and cotton tops.

For Côme, I want him to be able to run around without me having to constantly put his clothes on at the back. He's quite thin, so I have to go for elasticated sizes; I love the style proposed by Gamin Gamine, oversized. For this summer, I've also fallen for Studio Bohème, and the Numero74 cotton gauze jumpsuits are always THE summer outfit.

We're also big fans of vintage fashion, we go to «vide-greniers» a lot, and I love buying denim pieces from the 90s. As my boys are only two years apart and were born in the same season, the shopping for the second is well and truly the clothes of the first one!
What does your home look like? What about their bedroom?

I live in a townhouse in Chartres, an hour from Paris. We have a small green courtyard which is clearly a room of its own in the house. On sunny days our windows are open, and we live outside/inside.
As far as decoration is concerned, it's a happy mix of our last ten years of antique hunting, I love old things, and even if my interior is a bit "granny" as I've been told, it's a cozy atmosphere: wood, carpets, rattan, plants (lots of them) and on the wall the collages of my husband who is an artist. I don't follow the decorating trends at all.
At the moment, my living room is like a nursery, of course, and we have two bedrooms upstairs. Côme sleeps in a cabin bed, and Ange is in a co-sleeping bed with us as he still gets the milk at night.
How do you get organized to go out?

We clearly still have some progress to make, but it's getting better! For Côme, we took all the stuff with us, but now we're better prepared, we take what's necessary, and if we forget anything, it's ok. As Ange was born in November, we didn't have the opportunity to go very far, nor for long.